There is a whole debate on the properties of homeopathic remedies. These remedies have been prepared from trituration of a natural substance, where the original ingredient was diluted many times in water with steps of vigorous succussions (shakings). Applying a conventional biochemical and pharmacological paradigm, it is usually considered that after the 11th step of serial dilution-succussion, homeopathic remedies have fully lost the matter content in their chemical compound. Scientists say that the theoretical limit of molecular presence is reached and use the Avogadro threshold below which no molecular presence can be ascertained.
For this reason homeopaths are often struck on the back foot when explaining how homeopathic remedies work. Homeopathy in its approach is confronted with disparaging attacks and accusations of charlatanism that its remedies contain very little or no active substance. At best homeopathic remedies are merely placebo.
Tools are now available to research in physics are casting a new light on cellular mechanism—in effect, nuclear resonance, spectrometry, exposing the peculiar properties of homeopathic remedies. Essentially, to explain homeopathy we should turn to physics rather to chemistry, thereby turning upside down the paradigm defended by conventional medicine. Where conventional medicine approaches substances in terms of concentrated matter, measures in weights and quantifiable amounts, homeopathic remedies mobilize new concepts and tools that involve the behavior of water at the molecular level.
In the past forty years, advances in laboratory equipment measuring the behavior of sub-atomic particles allowed scientist to poke beyond the surface of matter. Physicists measure the energy field of homeopathic products using nuclear magnetic resonance. They could confirm that the original underlying matter used to produce the remedies was measurably gone but found nevertheless that water impregnated with these remedies emit a wavelength that is substantially different from the one emitted by simple water. Moreover, the magnetic load tends to increase with the higher dilutions of the remedies—a striking and counterintuitive but now quantifiable result.
On the conceptual side, scientists are now reviewing the behavior of water molecules against the paradigm of energy fields, seen as the building blocks of the universe. What we refer to as solids, matter, objects, trees, and rivers—or remedies for that purpose, are rather conglomerates of atomic particles. Quantum physics says that each particle at its most granular level is formed of electrons that gravitate at high speed around an atomic orbit. Hence, at any point in time it is possible to predict the wavelength or the position of the electron, but never both. Quantum research now identifies twelve different fields that support twelve distinct types of particles that exist below the level of atom. That subatomic level is the level where homeopathic remedies are lodged and operate from.
Homeopathic remedies have certainly a placebo content, similarly to that of conventional medication have—but not more nor less than Tylenol from the family medicine cabinet. They deserve a space between household names for decongestants and anti-itch creams and sprays to widen the scope of available medication.