Homeopathy is a unique treatment modality, based on individualized and symptom similarity of the patient. Moreover, the dose itself can be tailored to the needs of the consulting person. The homeopathic remedy treats the patient. Homeopathic remedies may play an important role in immune modulation at the cellular level, able to help in cases of sub-clinical or mild hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid with low T3 an T4 hormones) and hyperthyroidism (over-active thyroid, that is high levels of T3 and T4 hormones). The remedies can penetrate the hypothalamus-pituitary axis. Women are more commonly affected by thyroid dysfunction than men because the breast tissue is using more iodine. Deficiency in iodine is one of the three most common nutritional deficiencies, along with magnesium and vitamin D.
Conventional medicine is usually addressing thyroid-related deficiencies through synthetic so called natural thyroid hormones, sourced from animal. Enlargement or over-production is treated by surgically removing a part of thyroidal tissue. Sometimes a reduction of the size of the gland is using radioiodine therapy. Later, hormonal replacement therapy is required to bring hormonal levels back to a normal range.
In contrast, homeopathy offers a smoother path and a gentler treatment of various thyroid conditions. The practitioner is usually reviewing the whole case of the patient, expanding on characteristics such as the origin of the imbalance, level of vitality, other concomitant ailments, personality, likes and dislikes in food, body temperature, and changes in body conditions during day and night. The practitioner will also review clinical results—blood tests, and other medical results related to levels of TSH and T3, T4 hormones and thyroid antibodies in the bloodstream. The focus will be on the symptoms. Hence, there is no single remedy fitting all conditions and all persons suffering from thyroid imbalances. As homeopathy seeks to correct the root cause of the imbalance—in this case manifested in a thyroid deficiency—the remedy will support the natural healing properties of the body. In addition, there are certain remedies known to principally target the thyroid.
Thyroid cells need iodine to make thyroid hormone. Iodine deficiency can cause the thyroid gland to swell or to produce too little thyroid hormone, causing hypothyroidism. Unless we live near the sea, we get our iodine from iodine salts. Homeopathic remedies used in thyroid dysfunctions may involve iodine salts such as sodium iodine, potassium iodine (Kali iodatum), calcium iodine (calcarean Iodata) as well as straight iodine. Other remedies contain iodine, chiefly sea-related homeopathic remedies, such Spongia Tosta (sponge), Sepia officinalis (cuttlefish ink), Natrum Muriaticum (table salt), Sal Marinum (sea salt), Aqua Marina (sea water), Calcarea Carbonica (from oyster shell).
It is important to remember that no homeopathic remedy should be taken without prior consultation with a homeopath.